
My 5 FAVE Trends This Spring

I am quite obsessed with Spring fashion. I feel like almost anything flies at this time of year. You can rock your fall sweaters with ripped shorts, you can wear sundresses with biker boots, and you can wear baggy jeans with heels. This Spring I have fallen in love with a few trends you might want to get in on!

1. Dainty Jewelry: I love me some gold. This wristlet is EVERYTHING. You can wear it with a fancy dress, or even shorts and a tee. Buy it here.

2.The Block Heel: This sandal is a must for spring. Earthy tones and mesh are SO in right now. Buy it here.

3. Your Signature Hat: Do you like keeping your hair a bit of a mess and low maintenance? This hat is simple, cute, and will make any spring outfit that much more awesome.
3. A Nude Clutch: When heading on a trip, out on the town, or just running errands, this nude clutch goes with just about everything.

4. The Perfect Nails: Bubble bath by OPI is a simple and classy color. Paint this on and you have a complete look!



Are You Running On Empty?

If you've read my blog consistently, you know I constantly talk about/promote balance. I wrote a post about my 4 things that I found are essential for my happiness. Those things are sleep, good nutrition, workouts, and "me" time. This week I realized I am human, and I do need to act on getting a balance of those 4 things.

I wake up at 5am everyday and head in to work. After work I workout, then work on my business INFINITY, make dinner, and go to bed. On the weekends I try to get in time I missed out on during the week so I pack them with friends, and fun. This doesn't leave my week much time for adequate sleep or "me" time. The last few months have been crazy busy; I can't point the finger at anyone but myself for all the work. I overextend myself. I am always available for friends, clients, and anyone who reaches out. I like being this way, but it definitely runs me down.

Yesterday I took a "personal day" from work, and I am SO glad I did. I sensed the need to get away from things that expend my energy (socializing, work, and always being "on it"), and take time to recharge. I slept in, walked with my roommate to get tea, hung out at Fort Mason, did outdoor sprints, got a salad and ate in the sun, went to the gym, made dinner, and cleaned up a bit. It was AMAZING!

The reason I am writing this post is because it's so easy to ignore your state of energy. We are told to push through; mentally & physically. Listen to your body, energy, and attitude! Take time to re-charge, because in my experience it can turn around your whole week.



5 Ways To Make Working Out Fun

I get asked all the time, "how do you workout so much, it's so boring indoors!" Simply put, you just need to find ways to enjoy your exercise. I enjoy killing myself in the gym, however, you might not. These tips will help you have fun with whatever kind of fitness you want.

1. Good music: Seriously this is KEY. It's important to have a beat pump up your adrenaline. Lately I've been bumping Beyonce and can stay at the gym forever...motivation! 

2. Cute clothes: I have fun going to the gym when I feel good. Cute workout clothes help me feel good as I workout! Also, a MUST; bright sneakers!

3. Bring a friend. Seriously I always am crackingn up with my girlfriends around, and we still get in a killer workout. It seems time flies when you're having fun! 

4. Go to a class: INFINITY, Zumba, TRX, The Pad, soulcycle.. Try them! Who knows you might find something you love and enjoy going to.

5. Switch it up: Of course it's boring when you do the same thing every week! Get a fitness magazine, search on Instagram, or google to search for new exercises to incorporate. 

Make sure you have fun with it, that's what will keep you going ! 



This Weeks Workout Playlist

I love some good tunes while I am pushing myself through a workout. I can always laugh and dance while working out, even if it's grueling as heck. This playlist is my recent favorite. It has some hip hop, rap, pop, and house music. I love keeping the beats bumping, and the volume high.

Click on the link here,and listen to my playlist while you workout.



Finally!!! A Fitness Community Designed For Women

Calling ALL Ladies!

This week is the launch of Infinity that my good friend, Lindsay Farrel, and I are starting.  We're super excited to bring together some of the most amazing women we’ve met in our local community ... all of you!  For many of you, our first interactions were through fitness and after getting to know you, we’ve taken away much more than that. 

Most of you live in San Francisco, one of the fittest cities in the U.S. where health and fitness is a large part of our lifestyle.  Even though we're surrounded by it every day, it's hard to keep up with that lifestyle unaccompanied and what better than accountability from your best girlfriends. This is what can pull you out of bed early on a Saturday morning regardless of how much wine you had the night before!  

We’re all members of this SF fitness community, and have the ability to thrive when feeling uplifted and supported.  As women, we deal with creating work life balance, relationship drama, financial stress, and body image issues (to name a few). Each one of our unique stories can be shared, and that is where we have the ability to empower one another to take on anything we set our minds to.

Many of you have brought up the idea to us about bringing together the people within this San Francisco community -- the people who we see everyday in the gym, or out and about in our neighborhoods.  Your feedback has helped us design Infinity, a high intensity outdoor workout followed by local "hangout" events to make new friends and get to know each other.  

Our launch date is Saturday, March 1st.  We'll be holding Infinity every Saturday from 10am - 12pm, including the workout at Fort Mason and event.   This weeks hangout will be at Thrive juice bar.

Look out for more detailed information in the next email!  In that next email, expect it from:

Thea Nolan –    
Lindsay Farrel –


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I Don't Diet. I Just Eat According To My Goals.

After years being in to health and fitness, I have tried tons of trying different diets. I read as much as I can, and study the pros and cons. Trying these usually got me to my fitness goals, because of my extreme dedication to seeing things through. 

Though looking back, I realize one thing. It isn't that much fun to be dieting. You never get to go out to eat, drink wine with your besties, or take a break from prepping meals everyday. Now, things are different for me. I still eat clean, but I like to "live and little". I don't stress about food nearly as much as I used to, and I Eat According To My Goals. 

Your goals may be much different than mine, which means you may need to eat different than I do. If your goal is to lose 20 lbs you better start being strict. If your goal is to gain muscle, you should start consuming more calories and programming a strength training regimen. 

Don't be so hard on yourself, be real with yourself. What do you want? How are you going to get there? 

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Workout Of The Week: Boulder Shoulders

This week I am feeling like bringing back my bodybuilding style workouts.  I want to share with you what I do when I take away the burpees, box jumps, and cardio. Typically, I love high intensity circuit training, but doing this sort of bodybuilding helps me build strength. Once I feel super strong, I tend to go back to circuiting my workouts to shed fat.

Here's what I did today:

(90-120 second rest between sets)
1. 5 sets X 5 reps Shoulder press (add each set, so it's HEAVY by the 5th set)
2. 4 sets X 12 reps Front Raise
3. 4 sets X 12 reps Lateral Raise
4. 3 sets X 10 reps Push Press
5. 4 sets X 12 reps Cable High Pull
Shoulder press a)

Shoulder Press B)

Lateral raises A)

Lateral Raise B)

Front Raise A)

Front Raise B

Barbell Press A)

Barbell Press B)

Cable High pull A)

Cable High Pull B)




The more people I meet, the older I become, the more I realize how boundless my dreams are. People dream up creative things everyday. From interesting costume designs, entrepreneurial business plans, funny stories, or what the new "it" app might be. It's a little crazy to think about, right? 

Each of us own the power to turn our dreams in to something huge. Something beyond ourselves. Something that may one day change the world. The most mind boggling thing is... Many of us don't listen to our dreams. We doubt ourselves, quiet our thoughts, and go back to work at a job we may not even enjoy. 

The future truly belongs to the people who dream so hard and so big that there is no room for failing. They work on making their dreams come true until they succeed. That being said, they might fail a few times. They might fail more than a few times, their dreams might have to be edited or shifted. That's ok, because the beauty is in their thoughts. 

Your thoughts are so much more powerful when you BELIEVE in yourself and turn them in to actions. Take time to dream. Create your happy future. 



The Trend: Matte Manicure

I am always looking in to what's different and awesome. This week I discovered a Matte Manicure top coat. This coat takes the shine away. Sometimes shine is awesome, but when I want something edgy I will definitely be going for the matte look. 

It looks awesome. Understated. RAD. 

OPI Matte color 



Treadmill Plyos

Check out my video here:  and learn how to do this treadmill plyo metric routine. 

I always found it a little odd seeing numbers of people on a "hamster wheel" in the gym. We move forwards and run on a device just like a hamster. I do it too.
It's time to make the treadmill a bit more fun and put it to different uses. 

I started playing around and figured out some ways to hit your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves all while getting your heart rate up with cardio 

(Please start slow and hold on to railings when you first start. If you are still a beginner in the gym I would hold off on this routine)

Phase 1. (Beginning of video)
- turn the treadmill to 1.0mph 
- turn your body to the left so you have to side step to stay moving on the treadmill
- start to squat. Step your right door forward in to a squat then bring your left food together after the squat, and repeat.
- perform this exercise for 30-60 seconds then try it facing the right side.

Phase 2 (second or middle part of video) 
- turn the treadmill up to 1.5mph
- turn your body to the left so you have to side step to stay moving on the treadmill
- start to squat. Step by JUMPING your right door forward in to a squat then JUMP your left food together after the squat, and repeat. 
- perform this exercise for 30-60 seconds then try it facing the right side.

Phase 3
 -turn the treadmill up to 1.5mph
- start with your feet on the plastic platforms on the sides on the treadmill in a squat position 
- start a squat jump towards the treadmill. Land in a squat with both feet on the treadmill, and explosively jump back to the sides and repeat. 
- perform this exercise for 30-60 seconds .

Cardio Plyo workout:
1 min incline walk
1 min side squat (30 seconds each side)
1 min incline walk 
1 min side squat Jump(30 seconds each side)
1 min incline walk
1 min front jump squat 
Repeat 2-3 times



Don't Just Talk About It, Be About It

When it comes to work, fitness, relationships, or reaching goals it is extremely important to not just Talk About It, but Be About It! I am lucky to meet people everyday who share their goals with me. Along with hearing about their goals, oftentimes I hear their complaints. Once they start complaining, they begin to explain all the things in their lives they want to see change. Change is super tough to make happen, because involves doing different/new things or creating new habits.

Change, however difficult, is extremely empowering. Change can make your dreams turn in to your own reality. Yes, I said it. Once you change the things you say you want to, you will without a doubt reach your goals.

By DOING and not just saying things.

Ie. I want to lose 10 pounds. I am unhappy, and want to get fit.
Ask yourself
  • What was your workout like today?
  • What did you eat today?
  • How much sleep did you get?
  • How much water did you drink?
Talking about being unhappy or out of shape doesn't magically get you fit and healthy. You must DO. You must take action, and once you change you can then reach your ultimate goals.

Another Example.
Ie. I want to get a new job. My boss is psycho, and I want more money.

Ask yourself     
  • Have you discussed your goals with your boss?
  • Have you thought about what else you are good at, or what field you are interest in getting in to?
  • Have you perfected your resume?
  • Are you working after hours to build your experience?
If you answered no to any of these, then it is time to take action. Get up, get inspired, and start BEING ABOUT IT. Let the negatives in your life motivate you to turn them in to positives.

Once you take action on all the things you would like to change, then you are destined for change. You will be proud yourself, motivated, and destined for greatness. Your work mindset on reaching your goals should be "I won't stop until it's done. I won't stop until I prove to myself I can do it."

So next time you are unhappy with the change. Don't Just Talk About It, Be About It!



My Favorite Hair Products

Time for me to fill you in on a few of my faves. I love me some good beauty products, but we all know it takes time to find the ones that you fall in love with.

I usually wash my hair 2-3 times a week. I use Bain De Terre nourishing shampoo and conditioner. Afterwards I take 2-3 pumps of Sachajuan hair oil and run it through my tips. I then blow dry my hair and then braid it in pigtails. Before going to bed I spray my hair with HairPlay. I usually sleep with pigtails and wake up with wavy hair. I can then use my NuMe iron to want my hair!

The products:  

Nume curling iron: 
I bought the Tri-fect Here
with this Discount Code

Klm HairPlay: Playable texture 

Sachajuan hair oil: Buy Here

Bain De terre: shampoo and conditioner 

Serge Normant Dry Shampoo: Here



So You Want Free Exercises?

Lately I've been feeling inspired! My clients inspire me, the gym inspires me, new workout gear inspires me, and challenges inspire me. I decided to challenge myself to keeping things fun and creative.

I tried out some AWESOME workouts and wanted to share my AWESOME clients demonstrating them. Don't be afraid to do them, as most of my clients started as beginners! A Allstar athlete could be challenged just as must as a noob!

So push yourself, and try em' out!

Naomi demonstrating a total body TRX exercise 

Marc demonstrating a upper body plyo push-up exercise 

Cindy demonstrating a challenging upper body push-up combo 

Marc demonstrating a core super plank exercise 

Caity and Jenna demonstrating a treadmill cardio routine 

Cindy demonstrating a kettle bell core version of a Turkish getup 

Sara demonstrating a total body med ball get up

Marc demonstrating a leg day squat lunge combo 

Heather demonstrating a total body bosu walkout with squat jump 

Keep looking at my Instagram for new fun and challenging exercises! 


⬆️Caity getting her lift on, those shoulders and biceps are looking toned!!!!! 


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Essentials For Morning Walks In January

I live in San Francisco. We are so lucky to have amazing weather right now, but to be honest this cool to warm weather is making every sick! It has personally thrown me for a loop. My throat is dry, lips are chapped, but that won't stop me from being in the sunshine. 

I take my walks and get prepared :) 

In my lululemon pouch:
-Sugar free ricola throat lozenges
- stevia to put in my tea that I get about halfway through my walk
- Peppermint ChapStick for my dry lips :( 
-Cash in case I find cool vendors or a farmers market I want to shop at
- A debit card, because it always have it!
- My house keys so I don't lock myself out like I've done in the past!

What do you bring with you on your walks or workouts?

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Workout of the Day: 15 minute AMRAP

On a time crunch today? Get it a short, yet effective workout today. This total body workout only takes 15 minutes, but is sure to help whip yourself in to shape.

The workout:
5 pull ups 
10 burpees
15 shoulder press
20 box jumps 

15 minutes
As many rounds as possible! 



Healthy Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup

Ok, this sweet tooth is killing me! I've been super creative so I don't go off and eat a whole pound of chocolate. Anyone else ever get this way? 

I decided to make a high protein treat that is super healthy!!!

1 scoop chocolate protein powder
Coconut milk (how much depends on thickness)
1 tbsp almond butter ( or another nut butter)
1-2 packets stevia 
2 cupcake foils 

1. In a bowl combine protein powder with a little bit of milk. Then slowly add more milk to get the protein smooth(not chunks). Make sure to not make it "runny"
2. Pour 1/4 mixture in to cupcake foil, and 1/4 in other.
3. Place in freezer.
4. While those are freezing, in a small bowl mix almond butter and stevia.
5. Take foils out of freezer, and top with almond butter mixture.
6. Then add on top the remains of the chocolate mixture(1/4 of mixture on each).
7. Freeze for an hour, then enjoy! 



The Little Things

The little things make me happy. They make me smile. They make me realize how awesome life is. 

Today I noticed the two super cute bracelets on my wrist. They are small and dainty, but mean so much to me. I giggled and smiled and sat for a second to think about the meaning these bracelets have to me.

The circle and triangle. Ever since I got my Marida bracelet I started telling everyone to get it. It's cute, small, and I never take it off. The triangle represents the balance of mind, body, and spirit. The circle represents wholeness and infinity. 

My infinity bracelet was given to me by an awesome client. It's perfect. Marina Pecoraro makes it, and it goes with my Marida bracelet just perfectly. The infinity symbol is SO me. It means without any limit and symbolized balance two sides out.

Now that I know the meaning behind these little things I know they are meant to be worn by me. I believe in everything happening for a reason, and having meaning behind it. These bracelets make me feel connected, spiritual, thankful, happy, balanced, and whole.

Do you have littler things that make you feel this way?



Spiced Banana OIAJ

When I'm in a hurry it's always great to have grab n' go meals. I've always wanted to make overnight oats in a jar, so being quite busy this week I decided to give them a shot.

I made up this recipe, and it's delicious. It's creamy, banana-ey, and full of spice! 

1/3 c oats
1/2 scoop vanilla protein 
2/3 c coconut milk(or milk of choice) 
1/2 mashed banana 
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp cashew butter(or nut butter of choice)

1. Mix all ingredients in a jar in the evening.
2. Let soak overnight in fridge.
3. Grab and enjoy cold for breakfast



Banana Chocolate Mug Cake

Ok I've definitely been meaning to post a mug cake recipe for a while. I am finally getting around to it. WOW, if you have a sweet tooth this is your thing!

Banana chocolate protein mug cake 

2 tbsp chocolate protein
2 tbsp Greek yogurt
2 tbsp coconut or almond milk
2 tbsp coconut flour 
1 egg white 
1/2 banana mashed
1 tsp cocoa powder (unsweetened)
1 tsp baking soda
2 packets stevia

1.Mix all ingredients in a bowl
2.Spray a mug with nonstick spray
3.Pour mixture in to mug
4.Microwave for 1:30-2 minutes depending on microwave 
5.Optional top with tsp almond butter and chocolate sauce (2 tbsp chocolate protein, 1.5 tbsp almond milk or coconut milk, and packet stevia)
