When it comes to work, fitness, relationships, or reaching goals it is extremely important to not just Talk About It, but Be About It! I am lucky to meet people everyday who share their goals with me. Along with hearing about their goals, oftentimes I hear their complaints. Once they start complaining, they begin to explain all the things in their lives they want to see change. Change is super tough to make happen, because involves doing different/new things or creating new habits.

Change, however difficult, is extremely empowering. Change can make your dreams turn in to your own reality. Yes, I said it. Once you change the things you say you want to, you will without a doubt reach your goals.

By DOING and not just saying things.

Ie. I want to lose 10 pounds. I am unhappy, and want to get fit.
Ask yourself
  • What was your workout like today?
  • What did you eat today?
  • How much sleep did you get?
  • How much water did you drink?
Talking about being unhappy or out of shape doesn't magically get you fit and healthy. You must DO. You must take action, and once you change you can then reach your ultimate goals.

Another Example.
Ie. I want to get a new job. My boss is psycho, and I want more money.

Ask yourself     
  • Have you discussed your goals with your boss?
  • Have you thought about what else you are good at, or what field you are interest in getting in to?
  • Have you perfected your resume?
  • Are you working after hours to build your experience?
If you answered no to any of these, then it is time to take action. Get up, get inspired, and start BEING ABOUT IT. Let the negatives in your life motivate you to turn them in to positives.

Once you take action on all the things you would like to change, then you are destined for change. You will be proud yourself, motivated, and destined for greatness. Your work mindset on reaching your goals should be "I won't stop until it's done. I won't stop until I prove to myself I can do it."

So next time you are unhappy with something...be the change. Don't Just Talk About It, Be About It!
