
Coachella Part 4: Makeup

When you head to a festival you want to hit the ground running. You want to look like a movie star, drink like a rockstar, and stay model flawless throughout the day.

In my experience, in order to stay flawless in the desert you can't cake it on (or it will melt off). There is no time to touch up, redo, or wash off. Take note from some of these looks for inspiration.

You need:
Tinted moisture with SPF (my favorite here)
SPF setting powder (my favorite here)
Concealer (my favorite here)
Bronzer (my favorite here)
Blush (my favorite here)
Highlighter (my favorite here)
Waterproof Mascara (my favorite here)
Gold eyeshadow (my favorite here)
Liner (my favorite here)
Face & Body Paint (my favorite here)



Coachella Part 3: Hair

These photos inspire some amazing hairstyles. If you are going to coachella maybe you should try something different. Throw in a top know, some braids, a bandanna, or headband to accessorize.



Coachella Part 2: Bottoms

It's time to get some cute bottoms to rock at this years festival. Where else can you get away with patterned or super flair patterned bell bottoms? Here are some of my favorite bottoms that are a bit different & super stylish.
Clockwise starting from top left
High waist pants: Faithful the brand here
Rollover shorts: Similar here
Navy romper: Similar here
Ripped shorts: One teaspoon here
Bell bottoms: Novella Royale Here
Suede shorts: One of a kind, but Similar here
Leather shorts: Anine Bing here
Jumpsuit: Stone Cold Fox here



Coachella Style Part 1: Tops

I am going to post a ton this week on Coachella style. Today I am starting with tops. Each day I will be posting on how to make your look ROCK. Try to be a little different with your tops. A plain crop top is well, plain. At this festival you want to stand out so try an aztec pattern, floral, vintage or a fun texture. Below are some of my favorites. Later this week bottoms, beauty, hair, accessories, and shoes to come!

Starting from top left: Aztec structured top:Similar here
Top middle: Fringe leather jacket similar here
Top right: Kimono Here
Middle left: Crop top here
Middle middle: Vintage here
Middle right: Blouse here
Bottom left: Off the shoulder here
Middle bottom: Crop here
Right bottom: Crochet bikini here



Simple Ways To Save Water in The California Drought

I read the article above and knew that I have been making changes over the last few months to save water. I thought I'd share the simple changes I've made. Some of them are so small you won't even have to change much.

1.Wash your hair less
Sounds gross right? Wrong! It's actually better for your hair to wash it less often. Washing your hair too often can result in a dry scalp, dry hair, color fading, and/or breakage. It also cuts your shower time and saves water!

2. Brushing your teeth without the faucet running
This is so simple. Wet your tooth brush then turn off the faucet. Turn it back on to rinse your mouth. Make sure to not leave it running! 

3. Face washing
Same as for brushing your teeth. Don't keep the water running when you're washing your face.

4. Save water when doing your dishes
Fill the sink and do all your dishes in the sink water. Once you're done washing all of them drain the sink and rinse the soap off quickly. Let them air dry in a drying rack instead of using the dishwasher.

5. Take shorter showers
I know they are warm and amazing, but keep them short. Wouldn't you rather have a short shower now than not being able to take a shower at all in a few years due to having no water? 

6. Only do your laundry if you NEED to
Jeans should be washed after wearing 3-8 times. Don't wash your clothes unless they are dirty! When it comes to towels, make sure to wash them less often (as you only use them when your body is clean, so they shouldn't be very dirty or need to be washed often).

7. If you want to be really hippie...
Reuse water. Left over water in your teapot? Pour it in your dogs water bowl! Extra ice in your cup? Water your plants with it! Whatever you can do, try it! 



My Summer Slim Down Plan

I often get asked what I eat. Well, there is no short answer for that. My diet varies depending on a million factors including changing my food up to whatever my goals are, what I have planned that week or month, what's in season, or what I'm craving.

Right now, I am reeling things in a bit for a few reasons. Budget & summer. I want to go out a bit less & save, but also get myself to a place where I am comfortable in short shorts & tank tops. It's fun for me to set little goals, and right now this is just the push I need.

My workouts to slim down a bit will consist of:
Mondays: Leg day & cardio
Tuesdays: Cardio & abs (or double days of cardio)
Wednesdays: Upper body & cardio
Thursdays: Cardio or class
Fridays: Total body & cardio
Saturday: Glutes & abs & cardio
Sunday: rest or recovery (long walk, maybe a massage, foam rolling, or gentle yoga)

Food will consist of:

Morning: Coffee with soy or almond milk

Meal 1: YOGURT. 1cup greek yogurt, 1 tbsp peanut butter, stevia & cinnamon
Calories: 235  Fat:9g Carbs:12g Protein: 27g

Meal 2: PROTEIN PANCAKE. 1/2 cup oats, 6 egg whites, 1/2 cup blueberries
Calories: 282 Fat: 3g Carbs:37g Protein: 28g

Meal 3: LUNCH. 4oz lean meat, 3 cups veggies (1/2 c quinoa on leg days)
Calories: 232 Fat: 4g Carbs: 18g Protein: 34g

Meal 4: BAR. Quest bar, think thin bar, or dales bar
Calories: 190 Fat: 8g Carbs: 21g Protein: 21g

PREWORKOUT. 2 rice cakes 1 tbsp greek yogurt, 1 tbsp peanut butter
Calories:160 Fat:9g Carbs:12g Protein: 6g

POSTWORKOUT: scoop of protein, 1 small banana, 1c almond milk, 
Calories: 237 Fat:14g Carbs:27g Protein 25g

Meal 5: GREEN SMOOTHIE. 1 scoop vega protein, 2 frozen figs, 2 cups spinach, 1 1/2 c almond milk, ice
Calories: 254 Fat:15g Carbs: 28g Protein:27g

Daily total:
Calories: 1590 Fat:61  Carbs:155g Protein 168g
If I'm still hungry I will have a few egg whites and some more greens.

If I get bored of the plan I make myself I will either a) switch up the order of my meals b)change my meals and add new recipes or 3) look up recipes online to create with stuff I have at home. I also am not THAT strict 24/7 so I will allow a treat meal or 2 and maybe even a night with a few drinks. I am no longer prepping for anything besides living a happy & healthy life. To me, life isn't worth living if you aren't enjoying it!

This is MY plan, so I want you to remember you don't have to eat like me. It looks like a lot of food to some people, but remember I workout 1.5-2 hours a day. If it looks like too little of food, just know I always adjust depending on how my energy is.




Yesterday Sheryl Sandberg and Lean In​ launched the campaign #leanintogether – celebrating men who lean in for equality.

The man I most want to celebrate is my dad Larry Nolan. He was the first person to play sports with me, try to braid my hair, the man who will always be there to help me move apartments, and will always be a sounding voice when I need advice (work, boys, building a business). Even though he probably hated me dragging him to see Spice world & to go shopping at the mall, I wasn't that fond of him when he dragged me to comic book conventions & bike races. As I grow older, I realize no matter what I was interested in whether it was "girly" or considered "tom boy" I had his support. Thanks Dad for making it feel easy for me to push for my dreams!

Share your story of the men who lean in to support you. #LeanInTogether.


Anywhere Circuit


Anywhere Circuit

The weather here in California has been beautiful the last few weeks, which has inspired me to take my workouts outdoors. I've been hiking, going on long walks to the Golden Gate Bridge, playing volleyball at the park, & doing circuits like the one below. Try taking your workout somewhere new this week!



Banana PB Protein Pancakes

1 tbsp coconut flour
1 tbsp pb2
1/4 c. oats
1/2 banana
5 egg whites

1. In a medium bowl mash up a banana with a fork.
2. Add in coconut flour, pb2, oats, cinnamon, and stevia.
3. Crack 5 eggs in to small bowl, and make sure to separate the yolk. 
4. Stir together.
5. After spraying pan with nonstick spray, heat stovetop to medium/high heat
6. Pour mixture on to pan.
7. Flip pancake.
8. Serve.

Calories: 336
Carbs: 35
Protein: 28.5
Fat: 6


Good Hair: Why it's worth the $$


Good Hair: Why it's worth the $$

Have you ever had a bad haircut? How about a really horrible die job? I unfortunately have had both. When I was young I went in to a SuperCuts with a photo of a short chin length bob (what all little girls love) and I came out with a Leonardo DiCaprio boys haircut. 


Get Stylish...Tips On How You Can Create A Cute Outfit


Get Stylish...Tips On How You Can Create A Cute Outfit

People used to barely recognize me outside of my workout clothes (I pretty much live in them when I'm roaming through San Francisco). I do, however, love dressing up. When I am out and about people often comment on my outfits, accessories, makeup, hair, and nail color. They want to know where to get what I have, and sometimes even ask help with choosing their own clothing. This made me notice something. People are always assessing you whether you like it or not. It doesn't mean they're being "judgey", people are just conscious of it.



Your Success Isn't Built Off All Your Achievements, but How You Handle Your Failures

Over the last few months, I have been reading a ton of books & articles written by successful women. Women who have grown smarter, stronger and more successful over the years. One commonality in all of these books is something quite hidden. Everyone mentions their trials and tribulations, but no one talks about those trials as often as they talk about all their successes. Who would want to read a book about someone who is always failing anyways?

Even the most glamorous women struggle with insecurities. The richest woman probably had money issues at some point. A happily married woman probably dealt with a bad breakup.  The most successful professional woman probably had a job that she hated.  The difference in women who achieve success and women who don't, is their ability to pick themselves up after they fall. The more independent someone is, or is able to become, the more likely they will succeed. The less you rely on others for your drive, happiness, & worth, the better off you are.

Take some time today to reflect, journal, or meditate. Try to remember your lowest of lows. Remember how you thought you wouldn't possibly be able to get out of that place?  Maybe you are in the middle of one of those slumps right now! Turn these situations in to your past, and try to dissect them. Grow from them, and learn from them. They make you a stronger person, and lead you towards success.  


I Know Guac Costs Extra


I Know Guac Costs Extra

Who doesn't love a fun graphic tee? This one I got on sale a while ago, and have gotten TONS of compliments on. I love it so much. I wanted to share with you a few of my favorite graphic tees that you might love to pick up!



DIY Girls Night: Vision Board Party

This past Saturday night I decided to host a Girls Night In. I decided to do this after reading a pretty inspiring article in Marie Claire about how goal setting the form of a vision board has worked a ton in helping people achieve their goals. My girlfriends and I wanted to see what this was all about, and decided to make a night of it.

We all prepped a healthy dish, brought a bottle of wine, scissors, and magazines. We spent our night flipping, cutting, drinking, blasting pop music, and talking to each other our wildest dreams. In the end, we all were shocked to see how different our boards looked. Not only how they each looked creatively, but the contents plastered on them. One of our friends didn't realize until she finished her board how focused hers was on marriage and having a family. Another friends board was filled with travel destinations and food. What will yours be filled with?

I encourage you to spend time to 1. think about your goals 2. put it on paper 3. try making a vision board.

Mine is finished, and I ended up hanging it right by my light switch in my room. I see it when I go to bed, wake up, and every time I leave the house.

What you need:
Glue sticks
Magazines (home decor, fitness, travel, cooking, mens magazines, sports/yoga, lifestyle, fashion)
Poster board


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My Resolutions For 2015

This year I got a little more specific with what I want to acheive in 2015. The more specific I am with my goal setting, the more likely I will put in the work to acheive my goal. Some of these might seem silly to you, but my goals will look different than yours. After you read my specific goals take a look at yours to see if they are specific enough. 

Thea's Goals For 2015

Say no more often (practice not over committing and not feeling bad when I can't make it somerhere)
Go on 2 dates a month even if I don't want to or want to use an excuse like I don't have time.)
Read 12 books (I gotta be realistic & choose a # that I will actually read)
Paint & redecorate my room (paint bought, now time for the work)
Cook more often & invite people over for dinner instead of eating out (it's good for my soul)

Hike more (1x/month min) 
Drink lemon water in the morning
Continue to workout 5-6x a week (change up routine a bit) 
Continue to eat clean 85% (measure or portion foods at work) 
Be comfortable walking around in a bikini by end of May (by eating clean, drinking less, and workout out on a routine)

Keep saving each month for retirement and Roth
Check in with financial consultant 1x a month
Increase emergency savings by 3% each month

Travel: it's been my goal the last two years to go to 2 new places a year, so I have to keep up with it! 
Go on a 2-3 day California hiking trip
Australia, Bali, or NZ or all 3 :)

Actually renovate blog (meaning ask for help, which is hard for me to do)
Get professional photos and launch new website
Get another sponsor (in 2014 I partnered with Jlab audio and Fabletics!)

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Goodbye 2014 Hello 2015

As we are about to ring in the New Year and make 2015 resolutions. I decided to take some time to think about 2014 while sitting in a nice hammock in Cabo San Lucas.

1. I traveled!
I will never forget one of my favorite college professors advised me that the best thing you can do for yourself is travel. It is tough to come up with money, but it is so worth it. No, I'm not rich. Yes, I save and spend money on travel. I went to Greece, Turks and Caicos, LA, Las Vegas, Tahoe, and Cabo. It's been my resolution since 2012 to travel at least 2 new places a year and I've kept that goig strong! 

2. I let myself not be too obsessed with health
Health and fitness is a huge part of my life. I love working out and eating healthy, but in the past I have let it get in the way of living a fully balanced life. This year I worked out 5 times a week (instead of 6) and ate healthy 80% of the time. I allowed myself to drink when I wanted, and pass when I didn't want to. It's been a huge relief living a more balanced life.

3. Explored SF as much as I can 
We all live in such cool cities that we usually don't explore by foot. We drive, cab, and shuttle around. I tried to go on as many walks, try as many coffee shops, and yummy restaurants as I could this year.

4. I started saving
I got a financial planner this year to help me make sure I am on track with saving my money and planning for my future. It was a big step for me, but I'm so glad I decided to start this. If you need help with this let me know, I know a great guy!

5. Broke up and started dating
When you go through a breakup. It sucks. There's no way around having to deal with tons of emotions (especially when you run in to the guy all the time). This year was tough, because it was my first real heartbreak. After a lot of hurt I learned what I think I want, and what I think I deserve. It doesn't mean I've found it, but it means I'm closer to knowing myself. 

6. Stopped making work my world
Work consumes most of us. We are there more than we are anywhere else. We want to be rock stars, make an impact, and make money. I used to let work rule me. This past year I would leave work when I was done with work, and not stay up emailing all night. I didn't stress about it nearly as much as I used to. It was a great relief.

7. Started a business
Starting a business taught me SO much this year. Working with Lindsay has been a blast. We've learned how eachother work, what one another are really good at, and also how different we each are. We loved waking up on our Saturdays to work out and hang out with amazingly beautiful and inspiring women. We learned how to budget money, and make decisions together. I will take all that we learned and use these skills for the rest of my life.

8. Being there for friends when you need to be 
Weddings, baby announcements, breakups, work drama, big news, and weekly catch ups are way more important to me than I thought. Being there for people, and people being there for me are high on my list of needs. I am so thankful for the friendships I have, and am so glad in 2014 I was able to meet such amazing human beings.

There's a lot more to my 2014, but these are some of my favorites. I can't wait to see all that 2015 brings.




Do It Yourself: Easy & Affordable Christmas Gifts

If you aren't budgeting this Christmas, you should be. As much as we want to shower our friends and family with expensive gifts, it isn't smart to overspend. If you don't have the budget to get all your friends something expensive, then try making one of these DIY gifts that are cute & affordable.



Stuffed Acorn Squash

Stuffed Acorn Squash

Need a healthy yet hearty recipe for the holidays? I got you covered! Try this super delicious and healthy stuffed acorn squash recipe. It's hearty and filling, but not high in calories!

2 Acorn squash
1 Pound lean turkey
1 Can Black beans
1 Red pepper
1/2 c Corn (organic& GMO free)
1/4 white onion
2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
A dash chili powder
Paprika to taste
A dash of salt & pepper
Optional: goat cheese or another cheese

1. Preheat oven to 475
2. Cut both acorn squash in half and remove seeds.
3. Fill pyrex dish with 1/2 inch of water
4. Bake acorn squash for 25 minutes.

  • While squash is baking
5. In large pan pour olive oil and add in chopped onion.
6. Add corn, and bell pepper.
7. Add in black beans, and turkey. Cook until turkey is cooked through. 

  • Remove squash when cooked through, and dump out water.
8. Turn over squash and fill with stuffing.
9. Bake for another 5 minutes.
10. Optional add on goat cheese for the last minute in the oven.
11. Serve!!




26 reps 26 exercises, because I'm 26!

Here's a little bit of my birthday workout. I  just turned 26, so I thought it would be fun to do 26 exercises and complete 26 reps of each exercise. My goal was to keep moving, and take as little rest as possible.

The structure is an upper body exercise, followed by a lower body exercise, next a core exercise, and finally a "cardio" exercise. 


1. shoulder press
2. Squats
3. Sit ups 
4. Double unders (jump rope)
5. dumbbell row
6. Walking lunges 
7. Leg raises
8. Box jumps
9. dumbbell bicep curls
10. Side lunges
11. Plank with hip rotation 
12. Dumbbell tricep extension 
13. Back lunges 
14. Left side plank with hip dip
15. Ice skaters (speed skaters)
16. Shoulder pushup ( pike position)
17. Sumo squat
18. Right side plank with hip dip 
19. Toe taps on box 
20. Dumbbell reverse fly
21. Kettlebell swing
22. Toe touch crunches (lay on mat, feet in air, touch your toes) 
23. Mountain climbers 
24. Ball slams (med ball or sandbag)
25. Curtesy lunges
26. Burpees



10 Reasons Why Trying To Be A "HOT" Girl Will Make You Broke

Being a girl is super awesome, right? Guys think we have it easy. We get free club entrances, and free dinners on our first few dates. I mean it is super easy to have a model face, perfect skin, have awesome bodies, and make it look easy. Little do men know how much money goes in to being a girl (especially during the holidays).

1. Haircuts: 
Split ends are not ok, but what the hell it costs $50-$400 dollars to get our hair done every 6-8 weeks. That is only if the hairstylist doesn't fuck the color up and we only have to stop by once in that 6-8 week span (unlikely).

2. Nails:
When you are a busy bitch like me you are usually running around town in workout clothes. We have to get our nails done just so we don't feel like boys running around in sweats. If we get regular polish that will chip in about 20 minutes, so we get gel & $45 dollars later we are feeling fresh, and broke.

3. Fitness classes:
Girls are all supposed to have perfect bodies. Big (and perky) boobs, round butts, and a tiny waist. Gym memberships now run from about $50-$180 a month. This doesn't include the cost of personal trainers so we know how to properly do exercises ($65-$180 an hour), Pilates classes to lengthen and tone ($18-$30), spin classes to keep on trend($20-$35), and yoga to stay flexible ($15-$30).

4. Clothes:
Guys make fun of girls for shopping. Guys won't date a girl who doesn't have good style. Therefore, we have to keep up with the trends. Good jeans cost well over $100. Boots start at $50-$300. A nice top runs around $30-$130. A nice jacket $60-$300. Hundreds of dollars later we have one outfit that cost about half our rent.

5. Makeup:
Every girl has gotten the "are you tired?" question when they show up to work without makeup on. Gosh! We are almost forced to put shit on our face to make us look "presentable". According to a study from Mint, the average woman spends approximately $15,000 on beauty products during her lifetime. Of that, $3,770 goes to mascara alone (I mean, it does brighten your whole face). Next time I want to buy a car and can't come up with the money, I will thank my full face of makeup for that!

6. Face wash, lotions, & potions:
Wrinkles? Oh, hell no! We buy shit tons of sunscreen, eye cream, face wash, a Clarasonic, toner, night cream, and the list goes on. We are scammed in to buying everything we can to make us look youthful, fresh, and have clear skin. I can't believe it when I leave the estheticians office on how much money I just spend and how much I walk away with.

7. Spray tans, tanning lotions, bronzer:
Nothing is worse than a girl who is pasty white, right? The last thing you want to do is get in to a bikini when you match your white towel. Spray tans cost an upwards of $40 and if you want it to last then you better buy the $30 lotion that helps it stay. If you don't want to pay $40 for a spray tan you most likely are willing to get a "steal" and spend $20 on a gradual at home tanner.

8. Waxing & Threading:
It is totally unacceptable to have bushy ass eyebrows, and GOD FORBID your vagina isn't waxed. If you have hairy arms, you better wax that too. This is where the "pain is beauty" comes in to play. Waxing and treading will cost you $100+ a month if you are going every 2 weeks. As we all know, girls aren't supposed to have hair like normal human beings.

9. Bras, panties, and Spanx:
Girls want to wake up looking like a supermodel. Unfortunately, less that 1% of the population looks like one. The other 99% are spending money on push up bras, thongs, and Spanx to keep everything "in it's place". Sadly, after dropping our hard earned cash on lingerie we will never look like Gisele.

10. Health and diet foods:
Green juices, organic salads, tea cleanses, and the lose 5 pounds in two week diet program will cost you way more than just eating regular "fat people food". I want to be skinny, so of course I am willing to spend my lifes savings at Whole Foods.

The list goes on so for the people who get plastic surgery, Botox, teeth whitening, eyelash tinting, eyelash extensions, or anything else... BE READY TO BE BROKE. Dudes better pay for our damn dinners after all we do to stay looking this fly! Beyonce (bless her) did NOT Wake Up Like Dat.