This year I got a little more specific with what I want to acheive in 2015. The more specific I am with my goal setting, the more likely I will put in the work to acheive my goal. Some of these might seem silly to you, but my goals will look different than yours. After you read my specific goals take a look at yours to see if they are specific enough. 

Thea's Goals For 2015

Say no more often (practice not over committing and not feeling bad when I can't make it somerhere)
Go on 2 dates a month even if I don't want to or want to use an excuse like I don't have time.)
Read 12 books (I gotta be realistic & choose a # that I will actually read)
Paint & redecorate my room (paint bought, now time for the work)
Cook more often & invite people over for dinner instead of eating out (it's good for my soul)

Hike more (1x/month min) 
Drink lemon water in the morning
Continue to workout 5-6x a week (change up routine a bit) 
Continue to eat clean 85% (measure or portion foods at work) 
Be comfortable walking around in a bikini by end of May (by eating clean, drinking less, and workout out on a routine)

Keep saving each month for retirement and Roth
Check in with financial consultant 1x a month
Increase emergency savings by 3% each month

Travel: it's been my goal the last two years to go to 2 new places a year, so I have to keep up with it! 
Go on a 2-3 day California hiking trip
Australia, Bali, or NZ or all 3 :)

Actually renovate blog (meaning ask for help, which is hard for me to do)
Get professional photos and launch new website
Get another sponsor (in 2014 I partnered with Jlab audio and Fabletics!)

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