
Lips That Say Happy Holidays

Tis' the season for amazing red lipstick! Getting that perfect red lipstick isn't always as easy as it seems. Too pink, too brown, too purple, too bright, a little dry, or too shiny. I have tested out SO many lip colors that I have boiled it down to the list below. Now to be afraid to add a little pop of color to your look this Holiday season.

Kevin Aucoin: Blood Roses
Lancome: Smouldering Mauve 
 Givenchy: Rose Ruban 



ALL My Favorite Black Friday Sales (with coupon codes)

I love shopping. What I love even more than shopping is shopping SALES. This year I am pumped to see all the awesome deals. Get a head start on Christmas shopping, and make sure you are getting a steal with these codes!

Piperlime: 25% Off sitewide  code: HEARTNYC
Planet Blue: 25% OFF sitewide code:BLACKEDOUT
ASOS: 30% OFF everything code: TGIBF
Helmut Lang: 40% OFF online & store 
Anine Bing: all items (no code needed)
Child of wild: 20% off Code: blackmagic
Flynn skye: 30% off store code:GRATITUDE
La Garconne: 30% off sale items code:PREBFD30
Bloomingdales: 15% off sale items code:THANKS
Loeffler Randall: 15% off sale items code:BLKFRIDAY
Anthroplogie: 25% off entire store code:HOLIDAY25
FASHION BUNKER: 20% off storewide code:BLACKFRIDAY
Saboskirt: 15% off storewide code: BLACK15
Sunday Somewhere: $50 off all black items (no code needed)
Vidakush: 30% off sitewide code: BlackFriday
QUAY australia: 20% off code:WEEKEND20
LITTER SF: 40% OFF code: TAKE40
Van De Vort: sale code:blackFriYay
SHOPBOP: sale code: GOBIG14
Joie: 25% off sitewide code:THANKS
rag & bone: extra 25% off sale items: extra25
Parker: 25% off all dresses code:PARTYGIRL25
The birdcage boutique: 20% off storewide code:BLACK
Rent the runway: 20% off storewide code:RTRBF2014
DOLCE VITA: 20% off all sale items code: BLACKFRIDAY14

Lulifama:30% off swim code:LULIFRI30
Velvetsphynxswim: 25-65% off everything (no code needed)
The Minimale Animale: Swimwear sale code:MIDNIGHT
Sahara ray swim: 30% off code:BLACKFRIDAY
Gypsy beach: 20% off storewide code: cyber20
Beach riot: 75% off online code: GOBBLEGOBBLE
Kaohs swim: 30% off everything code:BLACK

Dry Bar: 20% off all products and tools (no code needed)
Dose Of Colors: 20% off storewide (no code needed)
Cashemere hair: $5 off 16' hair extensions code:HOLIDAY16
$10 off 20' hair extensions code:HOLIDAY20
NUME hair wand: $169 curling iron for 19.99 code:INSTA19

BODYROK: 2 Months unlimited $375
OLYMPIA ACITVEWEAR: 50% OFF code: black50
Caffeine & Kilos: Free shipping code:BLACKCOFFEE
GNC: buy one get one 50% off (no code needed)
PRESSED JUICERY: 20% OFF GIFTCARDS (no code necessary, in store only)
DALES BARS: Buy one get one free sale (no code needed)

Crate & barrel: 15% off plus free shipping code:SAVE15



Being Highly Motivated: Why It's A Blessing & A Curse

"I wish I were as motivated as you".

People look to me and tell me this pretty frequently. I am so flattered when people smile and tell me this. However, it took me years and a lot of self-reflection to realize that "motivation" doesn't lead to happiness. Living a meaningful life leads to happiness. Let me explain...
When I am extremely motivated nothing gets in the way of me and my goal. My goals come first, and life pretty much comes second. When I am super set on a goal I am selfish and my lfe has very little balance. People notice my intense work ethic, because it's hard to miss (I make it my life to execute). 
Let me use fitness as an example. When I have a big fitness goal I will wake up at 5am to do cardio, work all day, workout again at night, cook all my meals, pack them for work, never have anything that isn't weighed out/portioned, and I will turn down any event that gets in the way of my routine.  I never give 80% of my efforts to a goal, I always give 100% without any excuses. This means that I become quite unbalanced with everything else in life. My fitness goals in the past got in the way of ever traveling, going to birthdays, drinking with friends, or doing anything away from my routine.
Another example is my drive to succeed with work. I worked so much after college to show how "motivated & dedicated" I was. I worked nights, weekends, and even when I was on vacation. When I wasn't working I was usually blogging, reading about work stuff, or reaching out to businesses to try to connect. I always thought that the harder I worked the better I was.
Being motivated or more motivated than the person next to you doesn't make you better than them. I remember thinking to myself "you're more motivated & you are willing to do more, so you will go further in life". Again... SO WRONG. Finding balance is way more challenging than finding motivation. Having a life with a successful work, personal, gym, and social life is way more important for happiness. I have learned through my extreme efforts to succeed that it is ok to not drain all of my energy focused on one thing. It's ok to not burn myself out. It's ok to have fun, live life, and do things that may not get me closer to each goal I set. I know myself well. I am able to say that being motivated isn't something I struggle with. However, being balanced is something we all struggle with. I hope you can find your happy balance.



Raw Vegan Pumpkin Pie

Raw Vegan Pumpkin Pie

Keep it clean this Thanksgiving and bring a Raw Pumpkin Pie, yeah I said it RAW! This no bake treat is super easy, is REAL, gluten free, dairy free, egg free, sugar-free!! Your family won't even know it's guilt-free until you tell them! 




Organic Mejool Dates

Raw Pecans (you can also use almonds, or walnuts) 


Pie filling:

1 large can of pumpkin purée

Date paste (from your dates you blend)




Unsweetened almond milk

Organic vanilla extract


1. In your Vitamix, blend your pecans with 1/4 c water so they are ground(can be pretty thick).

2. Clean out Vitamix, then place a tub of dates (pitted dates) with 1/2 c water.

3. Blend until smooth.

3. Spoon out about 1/3 of date paste in to a clean small bowl, leave 2/3 in Vitamix.

4.mix almonds and date paste.

5. Remove new almond/date paste from Vitamix and flatten out in pie pan.

6. In Vitamix blend leftover 1/3 of date paste, almond milk, spices, vanilla, and pumpkin.

7. Pour mixture in to pie pan.

8. Serve, and eat!


Want some whipped "cream" too?

  1. 1 cup organic raw cashewssoaked for 2 hours 
  2. 1/4-1/2 cup filtered water depending on desired thickness
  3. 1-2 Tbsp maple syrup, or more to taste
  4. 1/2 tsp natural vanilla extract, or a little more to taste
  5. a pinch of Celtic sea salt

Throw everything into a blender and puree until thick & creamy. You will need a high speed blender for thickness (Vitamix).  



10 Reasons You Need To Travel

1. Eat delicious food that you can only get away with eating on vacation:
Food is a huge part of any culture. Americas "melting pot" culture gives us the chance to try delicious international foods at our fingertips. When traveling, it has been one of my favorite things to "eat like a local". Eating locally means totally switching up my routine. In Greece I filled up my breakfast plate with greek yogurt, dates, walnuts, local honey, and a cappuccino. Lunch was a big greek salad. Dinner consisted of a greek salad, a local dish, lots of wine, and baklava for dessert. Every trip I've taken I try something new.

2. Clear your mind from everyday BS:
Work stress, sitting in traffic, doing your laundry, saving up money, relationship or friendship drama, and doing the dishes are things most of us deal with daily. When you are on vacation you are allowed to temporarily forget about these (or put them to the back of your mind). Clearing your mind from the day to day stressors allows you to breathe and just simply be stress-free. Be in the moment.

3. Experience different cultures:
Are you American? Do you think America is the best country in the world? Cool! Where else have you been? It's truly important to experience different cultures before you form opinions on them. Meeting people with different lifestyles, perspectives, and beliefs helps us mold ourselves in to the person we want to become. By absorbing other cultures when traveling you learn and have experiences that you can bring in to my life back in the US.

4. Go off the grid:
It is a part of culture to be on email or a phone the majority of the day. Whether you are working, socializing, browsing, or reading up on gossip. It is actually quite hard to go "off the grid". It's hard to not want to post things, talk to friends, and occasionally answer emails when traveling. The problem with wanting to always be on the phone is that you are NOT present in the moment. When on vacation it is super important to be present. Sipping coffee in Italy people watching is much more enjoyable than it is sipping coffee looking down on your phone. Take your vacations on a whole other level and try to pull yourself away from technology.

5. Relax:
When you travel, it is the perfect time to just take some time to sit and chill. You have the choice to go to the spa, take a nap, or read. Do what you need to do to enjoy your travel. There's no need to be your usual busy self.

6. Excitement:
Planning a trip is exciting. You get to pick where you want to go, how you want to get there, what you want to see/do, where you want to eat, when you want to do whatever you choose to do. It's exciting to live life without your routine. Plan your trip and get excited for the experiences you are about to have. When you are finally there remember to pinch yourself and put your experiences in to perspective.

7. Bucket list:
If you were to die tomorrow would you be satisfied with the life you lived? It's scary to think about, but nothing is guaranteed. Look at your life, and start planning out all you want to achieve in the next few weeks, months, years, and lifetime.

8. Because you can:
We are so lucky to have the freedom to do what we want when we want. If you have paid vacation you should take advantage of it! Otherwise, in my opinion, you are working your life away.

9. Do what you want, when you want:
When you are on vacation, you are able to focus one one thing... having FUN. Take time to sleep in, go on walks, say no to things, say yes to things, and make every decision for your personal likings. If you are traveling with someone it's ok to let them know what kind of trip you want. I have gone on trips where I want to workout while my friend reads, or I want to go shopping when my friend wants to take a nap. If you are paying for the trip then be selfish with what you want to do while traveling.

10. Realize the world is bigger than your little life:
Travel will help you realize that this world is HUGE. Not everything revolves around you, your life, your little city, your state, or your country. The world is here for us to explore, so take the bull by the horns and go do that!



Meal Prep For Results

Are you super busy, so you eat out more than you should? There are so many of us who can relate. It is extremely easy to get caught up in the craziness of our day-to-day lives that we forget the simple things. We have to eat, and a great way to get results is by planning out most of your meals. For years I planned and packed every single meal I ate. Now, it is easy for me to gauge portions and healthy options.


What To Do


Step 1. Grocery shop:

Once a week (or twice) go on a big grocery haul like this. Make sure you pick up enough items, so you can prep food for work or for you to have in case you are out and about without a place that's healthy to stop by. I love making a list before hand 


Step 2. Plan tasty meals:

Don't just pack 5 meals of chicken and broccoli. Go find some healthy meals that you actually look forward to eating. I love packing greek yogurt with nuts & berries, spaghetti squash with turkey meatballs, or something like a homemade protein bars.  


Step 3. Cook and pack:

Cook your meals and pack in containers and store in the fridge or freezer. All you will need to do before you leave the house is grab and go.


Step 4. Have backup:

Pack some protein bars, nuts, or fruit in your bag just in case hunger strikes on the go!


Step 5. Switch it up:

Don't plan the same things every week. It is important to have variety in your diet. Variety helps you stick with it, and if one day you don't like a meal you have the option to switch things up the next. 



Healthy Turkey Chili

Fall is in the air. I have been less in the mood for cold salads & way more excited to make warm meals. People often think in the winter months that eating warm foods automatically suggests more hearty or fatty meals. I am here to busy that myth, and over the next few weeks post some delicious and healthy fall and winter meals. First up, a super simple healthy turkey chili.


1 pound lean ground turkey

1 can black beans 

1 can red beans 

1 large can tomatoes

1 white onion 

1 tbsp chili powder

1/2 tsp oregano 

2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 

Dash of salt 

1. On medium heat place 1 chopped onion and olive oil in to a big bowl. Stir and let the onion "sweat".

2. Add tomatoes until they start to boil.

3. Stir in turkey.

4. After turkey color changes from pink to white, then add in your beans and spices. 

5. Taste, and check to see if beans have heated and cooked.

6. Serve!



Jealousy: How To Deal With It Head On

Jealousy is something that we all have felt at one time or another. I personally am pretty good about never allowing it  to get the best of me, and there are a few key reasons why I believe it's never been too big of an issue past my childhood.

Firstly, I want you to know being jealous from time to time is normal. However, it is not normal for it to ruin your relationships with others or your relationship with yourself. Jealousy can range from something small like getting jealous when a friend got something you couldn't afford. Something a little bit bigger would be a time when you become upset with a friend for getting attention (ie.professional, in social media, or out on the town) and criticizing them for it. A common one, but in my opinion the worst kind is when someone is jealous that their significant other and is worried they will meet someone new.  

How do we tackle being jealous on all these levels? 

1. Be OK with yourself:
Sounds simple right? Wrong! This is super hard, but it is SO important to know who you are, what you want, who you want in your life, and how to make it happen. If you find yourself changing (for the worse) around certain people, then maybe they shouldn't be a part of your life. Being OK with yourself is not being too critical of yourself, but it's about being truthful. Be honest, and make sure to give yourself praise WAY more often then criticism. Once you are happy with YOU I think you will be able to be happy for others.

2. Stop comparing yourself to others:
It's hard to do, but the minute you let people and their lives affect your opinion of yourself is the minute you lose yourself in a situation. Whether you compare yourself to someone and it makes your feel good or compare yourself to someone and begin shaming yourself, it's a lose-lose situation for you. Remember my last tip "be ok with yourself" and you won't need to compare yourself to everything everyone else has around you.

3. Start complimenting people and being positive:
If you can't be positive then fake it till you make it to help you handle jealousy. If your friend is super happy and has something you want (ie. perfect relationship, new car, or great job) tell them how happy you are & you hope you will someday be able to share the same great news. Stop being a brat, and be happy when your friends are happy!

4. Face situations for what they are, not what you think they could be:
"Since I'm not getting attetion maybe he's cheating on me? I wonder if her parents paid for that? Maybe she lost weight because she doesn't eat enough." Stop. Don't be crazy. When you allow your thoughts to take over real life you have the ability to create fiction stories of what life could be. Take a step back and don't feed in to the crazy thoughts. Base your opinions off of facts and if you don't have proof to support your idea then "fogetta bout it".

5. Be a grown up and communicate:
Talk things out, and you are likely to resolve them (if it's worth resolving). If you shit talk behind someone's back to a crowd of people then you should be able to say it to their face. If you are jealous of your significant other, then ask to chat for a second to diffuse the situation instead of having a dramatic fit. Get the courage to face difficult situations maturely. 

6. Learn from your mistakes:
When you feel jealousy try to deconstruct why you felt that emotion. Once you are able to address why you felt that way you might be able to avoid this from happening in the future. Remember this is a process, and it takes time.




Is Stress Ruining Your Life?

"I am super stressed" is a term you are probably familiar with. If you aren't the one stressed, you probably know someone who is. Stress is a word we use quite freely. There are many different levels of stress, and everybody deals with stress much differently. 

Since starting to work at a company I've noticed some of the highest stress levels I could ever imagine. Some clients have fainted, others have broken out in hives, many stress eat, some simply can't sleep at night, most of them see therapists. Since I work in health and wellness I feel like it's about time I write about it. 

First, let me list symptoms:
  • Unable to concentrate
  •  Negativity 
  • Anxiety
  • Moodiness and irrability
  • Agitation, inability to relax
  • Constantly feeling overwhelmed
  • Sense of loneliness and isolation
  • Depression or general unhappiness
  • Aches and pains
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Nausea, dizziness
  • Chest pain, rapid heartbeat
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Frequent colds
  • Eating more or less
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Isolating yourself from others
  • Procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities
  • Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax
  • Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting, pacing)

Next, I want you to know what you can do:
  • Workout
  • Prioritize sleep
  • Eat consciously
  • Take vacation (without your phone)
  • Spend time with the people you love 
  • Manage your calendar (don't overbook yourself) 
  • Don't work more than you need to
  • Find something you enjoy that isn't on your computer (cooking,painting, walking, reading)
  • Check in with yourself weekly (set goals) 

Act on it, now! It's time to assess your biggest struggles and try to tackle them one at a time. When I write all the things down that I stress about I am able to realize how busy I can get, and how I sometimes allow my hectic schedule to stress me out. Don't wait until you are stressed to jot down and understand what stresses you out. Take the time now and fix it yourself. 



Seriously Sore: What to do about it

Ok, you're super sore. It might hurt to get out of bed, sit down on the toilet, and even wash your hair. I think we've all been so sore that we have contemplated canceling the rest of your workouts for the week to recover. When you're that sore you can take care of yourself by doing these few things:

1. Move:
Get your blood circulating. You can do light exercise, yoga, a long walk, or stretching at home. When you move your body you can reduce the effects of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness.

2. Stretching & Mobility work:
Take the time to stretch before (dynamic stretches) and after your workouts. If you are super sore take time to stretch, and do mobility work on the areas that are extra tight.

3. Ice bath:
Taking an ice bath immediately after a workout has been shown to reduce muscle soreness. I've done this and it's freezing! 

4. Hydrate:
When your muscles are sore or tight it's extremely important to hydrate! Drink lots of water, because we all know that 60% of our body weight is water! 

5. Foam roll:
One of the best investments you can make would be to purchase a foam roller. Foam rollers are used for self myofascial release to aid in the recovery of sore muscles and assist in returning them to normal function.



Start Living Your Wildest Dreams

I was chatting with some friends last night over dinner about travel. Not just vacationing, but exploration. Travel is all about taking yourself away from everything you know, to swap it with the unknown. It's about putting yourself in an uncomfortable situation, so that you give yourself a chance to learn and grow.

I've found that the more I travel, the more I know ... and I then realize there is so much more that I don't know!  It gives me a sense of curiosity when I see what I'm missing out on around the world. It can be so easy to get caught up in our own routine - with  the typical day to day routine, that we forget to live. It's easy to lose sight of what's outside our "bubble". 

Take some time to write down what you want to explore. What are some of your biggest dreams, goals, and aspirations? Now, make a plan to remove yourself from your "norm" and set a date to get away and do something new. This doesn't have to be something that is going to cost you an arm and a leg. It could be something like camping out of the back of your car, hiking at a new spot, or touring around a new city you've never been to. But  it could also be something like planning your dream vacation! 

Start living your wildest dreams, or they will stay a dream forever.


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Spicy Hummus Salad

I never get bored of salads, but so many people do. In order for me to always enjoy my salad I have to get creative. Today I made this one, and loved it! Try it out for yourself.

4oz ground turkey (organic & lean)
2 cups kale (organic & chopped)
1 cup spinach (organic)
1/2 c broccoli and carrots (organic & sliced)
2 tbsp spicy hummus (organic)
1 tbsp Greek yogurt (0% fat)
Hot sauce (optional)

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Squats: Good For Your Butt & Health

Squats are my hands down favorite exercise for more reasons than one. I want to share with you all the reasons you should consider squatting more:

1. Rounder butt: A butt that looks better in your Lululemon, your jeans, and naked!
2. Burn more calories doing squats than most exercises: Squats activate nearly all muscle groups and demands a whole lot from them to perform the exercise. (lift heavy to burn more)
3. Builds strength: In the quadriceps, core, back, hamstrings and calves.
4. Improved circulation: Squats increase blood flow, so say bye bye to cellulite!
5. Enhanced core strength: Abs are made in the kitchen, and while squatting. NOT by doing abs.
6. Improved flexibility: Helps range of motion.
7. Increased vertical jump: When you squat you extend your hips with power, which turns over in to your ability to create power in your vertical jump.
8. Bone density: You have "younger" bones and squats are better than calcium!
9. Knee injury prevention: A lot of people think squats are bad for your knees. WRONG, improper squats are bad for your knees. Squats help strengthen the muscles that stabilize your knee.
10. Posture: Doing a full squat while still maintaining the perfect posture will in turn help to correct your day to day posture.


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The Power Of Positivity

Positivity is crazy powerful. When you surround yourself with positive and happy people, they can't help but change your mood. It rubs off on you. In the same sense, negativity also that same effect on your frame of mind.  If you surround yourself with negative people, negativity will also rub off on you.   

This past weekend, I realized something super silly. I was being approached by a lot more people than usual when I was out. As my friends saw this, they said that both guys and girls both were sort of drawn to me. Girls were coming up and complimenting me about my clothes, hair, nails and athleticism. A few even asked if we could be friends!  Guys were hitting on me left and right ;) Not in a sleazy way, but to open up and tell me about their lives. 

I have always had people feel comfortable in approaching me, and open up to me.  I'm always happy and willing to talk with and meeting new people.  But this weekend, I came to a realization that there's a reason I have this effect on people.

I was so happy this weekend and surrounded myself with only positive people and ideas.  That energy rubbed off on people.  I was stress free, had plenty of sleep, tons of exercise, and no worries in the world. Everything I did this weekend was enjoyable for ME (not to please anyone else). 

My message to you this week! Choose your mindset. Get your attitude in check ... because you never know who will soak it up.

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Get Your Metabolism Back On Track!

Earlier this week, I discussed the symptoms you should look out for if you feel like you have done some damage to your Metabolism. Today, I want to share how to get your metabolism back on track.

1. Reverse Dieting: What is it? Reverse dieting is used as a technique to restore your metabolic rate. It's a progressive way for you to start adding calories back in to your diet. When reverse dieting, you should start by adding in about 5% more calories weekly, which equates to about 50-100 calories more per day. If you feel good after a week of adding in calories, you can add 50-100 more the following week. How long you need to reverse diet totally depends on how little you were eating & how long you were dieting for. The point is to get your body out of depletion and restore your body with nutrients. You gain energy, strength, speed up your metabolism, and see great results! Once you reverse diet for a few weeks and are at a place where you are maintaining your weight, then you can start tweaking your diet again - either continue slowly adding or decreasing calories.
2. Build More Muscle:
Strength train - you will speed up your metabolism. Switch up your routine every 4-6 weeks (change the sets, reps, weight and rest time).  Building lean muscle doesn't mean you will get bulky (men have 10 times the testosterone we do, so it's nearly impossible for us to bulk up unless we are eating crazy amounts). You can speed up your metabolism by 5 times if you build lean muscle. Muscle burns 5 and a half times more calories than fat, so the more muscle you have the more your metabolism allows you to eat. Girls often say, "well I eat less than her, why is she smaller than me?" Truthfully, she has a faster metabolism than you because she eats enough!
3. Recover fully from workouts:
Do I have to explain this? Stop wrecking yourself in the gym without stretching, recovering, or treating your injuries. Hydrate before and after, and fuel yourself properly! Think about your caloric intake both in terms of your resting metabolic rate and expended energy from workouts.  For example: if your resting metabolic rate is 1,500 calories and you burn 500 calories in your workout, then you need to eat 2,000 that day to simply maintain your weight. Make sure you SLEEP, because this will allow your body to recover and repair.  If you don't sleep enough, you won't recover properly.
4. Supplement:
I love Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs). They can help speed up muscle recovery and growth.  If you drink BCAAs in the morning and at night, studies have shown less hunger, higher calorie expenditure, and direct the energy being used to fat stores rather than eating up muscle.
5. Get blood work done:
If you have more of the severe symptoms listed in last weeks' newsletter, then definitely go to the doctor and have blood work done. Your doctor can check on your thyroid to see if it's too fast (hyper) or too slow (hypo), your testosterone levels (help build muscle & speed metabolism), and Leptin (satiety hormone). You might need a medication for a little while to regulate hormone function.
If you feel like you have done metabolic damage, you need to take yourself out of the routine you are in. Is it truly balanced and getting you to your goals? If not, let's switch things up!



Your Metabolism: Are you messing it up?

Many of us put in our time at the gym and watch what we eat. Some of us take it to the extremes to see results (eating less & working out more). It's always important to make sure you're eating adequate calories, not overtraining, and recovering from intense workouts properly. One hot topic I have been seeing all over social media is Metabolic Damage. Oftentimes, when people see the scale stall when trying to lose weight, they assume they have metabolic damage. I've done a lot of homework after dealing with some of these symptoms myself, and I can tell you most people are very unlikely to have Metabolic Damage. I do, however, highly recommend that you listen to your body when you're feeling "off" or have symptoms that would make you think your metabolism is "off".  You may actually be dealing with Metabolic Compensation or Metabolic Resistance. Read about the symptoms of Metabolic Compensation, Metabolic Resistance, & Metabolic Damage below.  

Metabolic compensation:
You are eating less and burning more, and in turn your body compensates by making you more hungry and slowing down your metabolism (calories you burn at rest).
- Metabolism slows down and weight loss stalls (you hit a plateau). 
-Hunger, energy and cravings (HEC) become moderately out of balance. 
-This is very much like the early signs of athletic over-training. Also called overreaching. (Over-training is EXTREMELY difficult to do (think of your workouts compared to Le Tour de France), but you might simply need a rest day)

Metabolic resistance: 
-Weight loss halts completely, and you can no longer lose weight with an eat less, exercise more approach. -At best you maintain your weight with hunger, energy & cravings (HEC). 
-Mood changes occur. Feelings of anxiety or depression. 
- Trouble sleeping. You may have difficulty going to sleep and/or staying asleep.

Metabolic damage: 
-All of the above 
-You can't lose weight and may even be gaining weight despite no change in diet. 
-Your body is taking on a puffy/bloated look. 
-You may be dealing with hypothyroid symptoms of dry skin, itchy scalp, and slow thinking. 
-You are exhausted & or depressed. 
-Your menstrual cycle is completely gone or irregular. 
-You may be feeling light headed & sensitivity to bright lights. 
-You may have developed multiple food intolerance's. 



Eating For Results

Although I had fun making a little joke about this  "not eating" phenomenon we see in our society, I do want to take this opportunity to explain the importance of the ofunit we use that measure how od when it comes to your training. Food is crucial to maximize results. Today, I am simply going to cover the topic of calories.

A calorie is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius. The amount of calories your body needs to perform its basic functions would be your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Once you know your BMR, you will then be able to manipulate your calories and adjust them according to your goals.

A great site I use to calculate my BMR and my clients BMR is this one. This site will tell you how many calories you need to maintain your weight (without exercise), what you would need to do to maintain your weight with exercise, how to lose weight or gain muscle. It all starts with calories, and later you can break it down to Macronutrients (protein, carbs, and fat) if that is something you can monitor.

Remember one thing: eating fewer calories doesn't necessarily mean that you're eating better! Calories are essential to fuel your body for the day, to recover from workouts, and also to keep your metabolism healthy. If you aren't fueling your body properly, you can do some major damage that is EXTREMELY hard to reverse. More on metabolic damage in a future post! 



Girls Are SIX Times More Likely To Drop Out Of Sports Than Boys

I read this statistic and was shocked. Then I realized, no, it isn't a shocking statistic. It's an unfortunate statistic.

Why are girls dropping out? Studies show 
1. Lack of access
2. Transportation 
3. Social stigma 
4. Quality experience 
5. Cost 
6. Lack of positive role models 

It's such a bummer for me to read a statistic like this. Sports have help shaped my life. Playing sports has taught be to be confident, work in a team, stick to my commitments, push harder than I thought I could, it taught me communication, sticking to a schedule, how to be social, how to be a leader, along with many other life skills.

I encourage all you women to pick up sports, or some sort exercise. The benefits go far beyond looking good! More women need to experience the empowerment of fitness and sports. 



Athletic Leg Workout

So you want athletic legs? My trick is to add in plyometric and cardio exercises in to my strength circuit. Why?

1. Burns more calories
2. Increases heart rate 
3. Kicks my butt 
4. Keeps the workout feeling athletic rather than standing around in a gym feeling bored waiting to start my next set
5. Makes me faster, stronger, and recover quicker.

Try this one out and tell me how your legs feel the next day. 

The goal is to get 5 rounds done as fast as possible. Right after you go through one time start right back up with your run. 
