Sweater Weather

Sweater Weather

Fall is becoming one of my favorite seasons. In San Francisco it's pretty warm and sunny during the day, but cool and crisp in the mornings and evenings. Just how I like it. Fall has always been my favorite season to dress for. Booties and sweaters are my jam. I think every girl needs a pair of boots she loves and an awesome go-to sweater. Here are some of my current sweater obsessions for this season.



The Mission District in San Francisco is so fun to roam around. I found an amazing juice shop called Project juice that has really yummy drinks. Their location on Valencia Street is extra special, because they serve acai bowls. 

Let's Get Nudes

Let's Get Nudes

Firstly, get your head out of the gutter! We are talking about the best nude lipsticks here. There are SO many amazing lip colors out right now and I want to share two of my most recent discoveries.

Nails and Bling

Nails and Bling

I love me some bling! I am also super picky about the kind of jewelry I wear. I've found that I mostly love small, dainty and yet clean looking jewelry. 

The Best Hair Products To Take When You Travel

The Best Hair Products To Take When You Travel

I always love having small products with me whether I'm traveling or just headed out for a full day. These products are my favorites and since there are SO many product out there I want to let you know why these ones are my go-to's.

Summertime Florals

Summertime Florals

It's summertime!! Who doesn't like to dress fun and flirty in the sun? This outfit is perfect for summer brunch, a picnic, or a coffee date with friends. Wear this top with cut off shorts, white jeans, or ripped light denim and you're off! This hat goes with just about everything!

The Best Apps: How To Celebrate When You Can't Be There

The Best Apps: How To Celebrate When You Can't Be There

Do you have friends who live all over like me? Not all of my friends live in San Francisco and I can't always show them how much I love them over the phone or by texting. I love giving gifts and I have some apps that are my go-to's to send a little love to my gal pals. 

These Boots Are Made For Walkin'

These Boots Are Made For Walkin'

I live in San Francisco. There is NO WAY that I can wear stilettos and 6 inch boots out on the town. I walk everywhere, so comfort is crucial. I, however, am not willing to sacrifice cuteness for comfort. I pretty much search for that unicorn boot. I want it to be beautiful and bearable. Here's my favorite boots this season that won't have you counting down the hour till you can take them off.

What To Bring To Thanksgiving Dinner

What To Bring To Thanksgiving Dinner

Tis' the season for friends and family. Thanksgiving is one of my absolute favorite holidays, because FOOD and family. I always love to bring a small dish to share and this year is no different. Here are some of my go-to dish's that have been a hit with my friends and family

My Favorite Books I've Read Recently

My Favorite Books I've Read Recently

I love love love reading non-fiction books. For those of you who are in to non-fiction here are my absolute favorites that I've read recently. Check them out!

Can I Get an Amen?

Can I Get an Amen?

My friend and I roamed around San Francisco this weekend and decided to be tourists in our own town. How amazing is this wall?

That Sueded Jacket

That Sueded Jacket

Ever since I was a kid I've had a weird obsession with 70's fashion. Suede was huge in the 70's and my obsession is now super on trend again, yay! This leather jacket by Veda is perfection.

Summers Best Sandals


Summers Best Sandals

I can't get enough sandals this year. I am on a sandal kick and this season there are some absolutely amazing ones to choose from. These four are my particular favorites. Living in San Francisco, there isn't necessarily a need for...


Why You Need A Vacation


Why You Need A Vacation

After 10 days in paradise, I learned a few things
1. Take your vacation. You earned it. PTO is there for you as a benefit. It is one of the most underrated benefits, and many people max out their PTO and let those hours go to waste. You literally get paid to GET OUT OF TOWN, so why don't you do it? Too expensive or on a budget? Plan for it, pick up a side job (what I do), or go somewhere local (camping anyone)!
2. Unplug a bit- This one is tough. I am not going to lie to you and say I've mastered this, I haven't. To me, I just try to use the internet less than usual. AKA don't be glued to your phone.
3. Spend time doing things you love- While on vacation, don't apologize for spending time on YOU. You see- I love working out. I enjoy it, and it makes me happy, so even on vacation I like to get in some sweat sessions. Other things I love doing are reading, blogging, and drinking great wine. Plan a trip for you!! You may have a friend who likes to do similar things. Maybe you love museums- find someone who does too!
4. People with much less seem to have SO MUCH JOY- I can't begin to tell you how true this has been on each trip to a 3rd world country i've taken. People who don't even have fully paved roads, work 15 hour days, make next to nothing... greet you with the biggest smile on their faces. Yes, their jobs may not be as technical as yours, but they work damn hard for what little hey have and have found joy. Taking a trip may open your eyes to appreciate your life a bit more like it has for me.
5. Taking a vacation doesn't have to break your budget. Like I mentioned briefly earlier, if you can't go international then pick a place you can road trip to, or a city you've wanted to fly to affordibly. Monitor the prices here and find the best places to go for the best prices.
6. Find a travel buddy who likes similar things you do. I don't personally love having a scheduled itinerary on vacations, so I try to pick travel partners that are more looking to relax. Also, someone who is OK being independent or you going off being independent if the activities you plan on doing don't match up (go off for the day and meet back up for dinner).
7. SLEEP is amazing and OK to over-do. I used to think sleeping in was for lazy people, well let me tell you... I slept until 11 OR 12 everyday on my trip and it was NEEDED. On top of sleeping in each day, I took multiple naps. I finally after a few days felt back to normal and re-energized. I noticed that I really needed it, and wasn't giving myself enough of it.
8. Sometimes you have to Splurge! Yes, I said it. Stop talking yourself out of spending a couple hundred bucks on a trip. Try not going out to dinner for a few weeks- you'll be shocked how much you can save! You can make it happen, but obviously work within your budget
9. Being relaxed with friends makes for amazing memories. Jen and I laughed our butts off, chatted about everything under the sun, shook our booties on the dance floor, and had a blast just being 2 girls on vacation together exploring.
10. Food in America is Amazing- I am not going to lie, I am extra grateful for avocados, green juice, acai bowls, big salads, gluten free options, almond milk, and good coffee shops! Tomorrow is going to be amazing 
“We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.” – Anonymous


A List Of People You Need To Follow On Social Media


A List Of People You Need To Follow On Social Media

Think about it. We check our Facebook, email, Twitter, Snapchat, instagram, and every other form of social media constantly throughout the day. The people we follow give us little reminders through their posts of our interests and take up space in our minds. Who are you filling that space with? We choose who we follow! 
