
Fall Fashion LOOK OF THE DAY: Vintage Black on Black

Naomi is one of my clients who I do styling for, and she has been quite the buzz around SF lately. Lo and Sons spotted her with their OG bag and snapped a pic. We put together a cute and casual outfit that she can wear around town, or to work. Her ombre hair really finishes the look CHECK HER OUT!

Naomi is wearing:
Black Knit Sweater: LF 
Black distressed jeans: Maje
Black booties: Isabel Marant
Gold necklace: Marida
Black bag: Lo and Sons
Brown stitch purse: Ted Baker



Fall Fashion: Styling For A Trip

I am completely guilty of packing things I don't need on vacations or trips. Sometimes it's fun to bring too much, but when you realize you bring a shirt that doesn't go with anything else in your suitcase it's a big NO NO. We don't want to be lugging around extra baggage through airports, on trains, and busses! 

I have recently gotten in to the habit of styling my outfits by photo. It seems like a lot of work, but to be honest it makes getting ready much easier! I know exactly what to pack, and exactly which jeans I want to wear with which sweater and what boots! 
Here are some of the outfits I'm bringing on my London trip! Notice that some are using the same items as previous photos (to make good use of what I can fit in my suitcase).

I will keep you updated on my trip, and also post outfit photos while I'm off exploring! 



Marina Green Outdoor Workout

It was such a nice evening tonight, there was no way I would be caught in a stuffy gym. I took a 2 mile run/warm up to the park and for started with a dynamic warm up. I then got in to a killer workout. This may look easy to the eye, but try it out and let me know if you change your mind.

Circuit 1 
50 walking lunges
10 box jumps (24-32in)
Repeat 3x (challenge yourself with no rest)

Circuit 2
12 Plank Walkouts in to a push-up 
10 squat jumps for distance

Circuit 3
15 rows (I used the rings)
15 hanging leg raises
30 switch jumps (15 each leg)

Circuit 4
30 toe touches on High box
30 oblique crunches (15 each side)

2 mile run or walk home 



Upper Body PUSH Workout

I switched up my workout rep/set range this week and MAN I'm sore! I thought I would share with you my workout! 

Set 1.
A) Lateral raises 6x15
B) shoulder press 6x8

Set 2.
A) incline bench press 4x10
B) flat bench db fly 4x15

Set 3
A) flat bench arm extension 4x12
B) overhead dumbbell tricep extension 4x12
C) rope tricep extension 4x12



Thea's Secret To Getting and Staying Fit: Circle of Four

By now all my clients know this, and most of my friends. Today in this post, I will share my outlook with the rest of you on getting mentally fit and staying fit. I have this theory that without 4 things working in unison, I simply can't live a balanced fit life. Once these 4 things are on track, the rest of my life tends to fall right in to place.

What are the 4 things? 

1. Me time:
I know myself well enough to make sure I carve out some "me time" in every week. This is a night in, with absolutely no plans. I may stay in and read, research workouts/nutrition, listen to music, write on my blog, go on a walk, chill at a coffee shop, or do whatever else my mind wanders in to doing. The reason this is so important to me (and should be for you) is because when you are always pleasing people, doing things for others, working long hours, being a good friend IT IS REALLY hard to remember to simply do YOU. Do the things you want without commitment to others for a night.

2. Workout
I need to make sure each week I hit my goal for working out. My goal ranges from as little as 4x a week to my crazier 6x a week with double days (depending on the week, and what I am trying to accomplish). It is important for me to make time for my own workouts since a lot of my time is spent programming other people's.

3. Sleep
If I am not getting 6-8 hours of sleep it truly effects my work, my relationships, my mood, my eating, and my energy. I don't always hit my goal, but this is something I am working on prioritizing.

4. Nutrition
It is key for me to eat clean 80-90% of my week. For me my energy is better,
my mood is better, and I truly enjoy healthy eats. For others, eating 1 or 2 healthier meals during the week may be a better goal. Find what works for you!

Why these 4?
All these things working in unison make me a balanced happy me. I've noticed if I am doing all of these things, I am usually a better friend, worker, more energetic in my workouts, and overall a happier person.
Sometimes when I don't focus on these 4 things I feel like something is missing, so I go fill that "emptiness" with shopping, or complaining, or eating, etc. It's taken me years to figure out that it's easy. All I need are these and the rest will come!

Try spending more time on yourself, and working on getting a bit more balance in your life by getting these 4 things on track.



Creamy Green Smoothie

This smoothie is too delicious not to share! Seriously, just try it! 

2 cups spinach 
1/2 avocado
1 scoop vanilla vegan protein
1/2 c frozen mango
1 c coconut water
1 cup ice

1. Place ingredients in blender.
2. Blend.
3. Serve.



Workout Of The Day: No Equipment Booty Workout

We all want a nice toned tush, but the truth is it is hard to keep up when you don't have time for the gym.

This workout will make it easy for you to keep your tush nice and toned at home, or while traveling.
20 Squats
20 Walking lunges
20 Bridges
20 Squat jumps
20 Lunge jumps
20 1 Leg bridge (the other leg will be in the air)
Repeat 3-5 times



Sweet Treat Smoothie

I always crave a little something sweet before bed, and tonight I decided to fulfill that craving... Guilt-free! I made this smoothie that is so simple, yet so creamy and delicious! 

This recipe can be enjoyed for breakfast,
as a snack, post-workout,or before bed!
1/2 Banana (frozen is even better)
1 scoop vegan chocolate protein 
1 cup almond milk
1 tbsp flaxseed ( you can also use chia, or hemp seeds)
1 cup ice

1. In a blender mix all ingredients until they are blended smooth.
2. Enjoy!



Workout of the Day: You Did What? (Total Body)

When you need a butt kicker but don't want to pay for a personal trainer grab a friend and try this circuit. It's ridiculously hard, but as the time gets shorter it's easier to see that you are so close to finishing! Try it and kick some major butt!

1 minute Shoulder press (bar)
1 minute burpee wall ball 
1 minute ring row (or TRX row)
1 minute box jumps
1 minute push-ups (or knee push-ups)
Repeat the circuit for 45 seconds
Repeat the circuit again for 30 seconds
Repeat the circuit one last time for 15 seconds 



Workout of the Day: Almost Anywhere Circuit

It's been nice out, so I decided to create a butt-kicking outdoor workout. This workout is TOUGH and works TOTAL BODY! 

The workout:
30 double unders (or 60 jump rope)
20 sit ups
10 pull ups (or assisted pull ups)
30 box jumps (32in or 24in)
20 push-ups 
10 wall ball (14lb ball for women, 20 for men)
3 rounds for time

How fast can you complete this circuit three times?



Restaurant Review: Freshii

This spot is a clean eaters heaven. Let me mention a vegetarian, vegan, or meat eaters heaven. This place needs to be all over the world. It's that good!

This place reminds me of Chipotle based on the quick service and the fact that every meal is customized. 

I was in Vancouver, and was bummed they didn't have one near me in SF. Little did I know they have not only one, but two really close by! 

My friend and I freaked out when we ate it; so we had it every day in Vancouver! Again, it was that good! 

I got the green wrap and customized it with all the delicious fresh veggies I wanted including cucumber, avocado, mixed greens, edamame, tomato, onion, and black beans! I also added quinoa, dates, and Tofu. The options are endless here! 

I highly suggest checking them out


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Eating Out: Mexican Food

Let's be real. Most of us like to eat out, whether it be for the different foods, good company, or just to get out of your house. Eating out is inevitable. You can eat clean and prep all your meals, but sometimes it's just nice to go out. It is even nicer going out, and not totally messing up your healthy habits. You CAN go out and still eat well. I have some tips for you, and today I want to chat about one of my favorites MEXICAN FOOD!

TIP #1: If you are going to splurge on eating Mexican food, splurge on quality Mexican food.
I have a few of my favorite spots, that are actually worth going to. I would rather get a scrumptious meal out, if it's going to be worth the calories!

Mixed ceviche, skinny jalapeno cucumber margarita, Javier's Salad (no cheese, dressing on side, add salmon), seafood enchiladas (share these, super rich, and definitely a diet "cheat")
Gracias Madre: 
Squash tacos, Caesar salad, mojado tamal, side of tortillas with guac and black beans
Kale salad with shrimp, veggie tacos, tequila flight,
Crudo de Hamachi, shrimp ceviche, little gem salad,
Beet salad (I order no cheese), ceviche (sub corn tortillas for chips), pozole soup
Cha Cha's: LATIN
Ceviche, salad with salmon, sangria

TIP #2:Share your favorite GUILTY treat.
If you want nachos, get them! I would recommend getting them for the table to share so you can enjoy them, but not consume the whole thing alone!

TIP #3: Order some veggies!
I always get veggie or fish tacos with corn tortilla's and a side of veggies and black beans instead of rice. I sometimes even do a big salad with salmon on top (my go to at most restaurants).

TIP #4: Order skinny drinks.
If you plan on getting wild and crazy, do a skinny margarita! You can also do tequila, lime, and soda water :)

TIP #5: Don't order everything fried
Pick one or two fried things IF YOU NEED IT, if you don't there are plenty of dishes that aren't fried

TIP #6: Don't be afraid to subsitute

Now go out, and enjoy your night. Don't stress about it, just keep these tips in your back pocket!

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Thea's Top Three Ceviche Recipes

Last night I went to a Carribean themed dinner party, and I decided to bring my 3 favorite ceviches. I made a shrimp ceviche, a salmon ceviche, and a coconut mango ceviche (for my vegetarian/vegan friends). They turned out delicious!

Shrimp Ceviche:
1 lb raw shrimp 
1 cup lime juice
1 cup tomato
1/2 cup cucumber 
1/2 cup red onion 
1/2 diced jalapeño 
Himalayan sea salt& pepper to taste

1. In a large bowl place washed shrimp and pour over 1c lime juice.
2. Let it soak or "cook" for about 30 mins before adding the rest of the ingredients.
3. Place in the fridge for 1-3 hours.
4. Serve in a bowl, on corn tortillas, or with corn tortilla chips. (GMO free)

Salmon Ceviche:
1 lb fresh salmon 
1 cup lime juice
1 cup tomato
1/2 cup cucumber 
1/2 cup red onion 
1/2 diced jalapeño 
Himalayan sea salt& pepper to fast

1. In a large bowl place washed shrimp and pour over 1c lime juice.
2. Let it soak or "cook" for about 30 mins before adding the rest of the ingredients.
3. Place in the fridge for 1-3 hours.
4. Serve in a bowl, on corn tortillas, or with corn tortilla chips. (GMO free)

Coconut Mango Ceviche
1 ripe mango
2 limes
3 young Thai coconuts 
1 ripe avocado

1. In a bowl scoop out the meat from 3 young Thai coconuts. (I put the water in a jar jn the fridge to drink)
2. In bowl, add 1 diced mango, and 1 diced avocado.
3. Add juice of 2 limes.
4. Mix and add Himalayan sea salt to taste.



Burpee Sprint Workout

It's nice out, so why not go to your local basketball court today for your cardio.

The workout:
5 Burpees 
1 sprint (full court sprint and back)

*Complete 5 Burpees and 1 sprint every minute for 20 minutes
* The "left over" time in that minute is rest. 
**** If you complete 5 Burpees and a sprint in 40 seconds that's means the remaining 20 seconds in that minute will be used to rest. Once the next minute begins, you start again.
* Complete for 20 minutes 



Be You

Sometimes it's hard for me to not compare myself to others.
I wish I had _______ (insert item)
She is skinnier 
He/she has it so easy
Why don't they have to workout
Why was I born like this and not that
I have to work way harder than them

It's so easy to compare yourself with others, and all it leads you to is frustration and disappointment. I have struggled with doing this my whole life. I never could wrap my head around why people are built differently, and why some people are better than others at certain things.

Yesterday was a rough one, I was chatting with my mom on a road trip and I sort of had a pity party for myself. She was there to listen and support and that's all I wanted (yeah I purposely asked her to not give me her thoughts, I just needed to vent). After I talked it out, I went home and on a long run.

I realized that I just need to continue being me. I like me. I like that I have I work harder than some other people I know, because the pay-off of all my hard work is worth it! Be you, and own it!



Brian's Grilled Corn & Edamame Salad

My cousin Brian (@brian_wagner) is a total foodie. He works for Nugget Market, and in his free time outside work explores cool food spots and likes to cook. We were at a family reunion this weekend, and I almost died when I saw something bright and fresh in the kitchen! I told Brian I had to try his salad, and once I did I knew it had to be on my blog. Here it is!

Brian's Grilled Corn & Edamame Salad! 

4 Grilled corn on the cobs or pan roast
1 Diced red onion
1 bunch chopped cilantro
2 bags of frozen edamame
Olive oil 
Rice vinegar
Sweetener of choice - stevia, agave, honey

1. Throw all ingredients into a bowl! 
2. In a smaller bowl whisk together dressing items. Brian says, "I always make the dressing to taste."

Prep time 20 minutes. 
Serve chilled.

It's that simple! I tried it, it really is delicious!




"Me Time" Everyone Can Fit In Workouts

I often hear from family members, friends, clients, and strangers that they "don't have time" for the gym. I sympathize with them, and definitely agree that it is TOUGH to get in daily workouts. When you work full time, might be in school, have kids, etc.

Guess what... Although I understand; those are ALL excuses! Yeah, I said it!! Stop handicapping yourself and using excuses to continue on your path of being lazy. If you are telling me you want to go to the gym more, then stop saying it and start DOING it.

One reason many people might read this and immediately assume I don't understand is because I'm young, single, and work at a gym. These are all true, but I am up at 5:00am to shuttle to work, I am on my feet from 7a-4:30, and after work I shuttle home and get back by 6. My workdays are long, but I STILL MAKE TIME.

Another reason I don't want to hear excuses are because my dad and mom both juggled it my entire life! Yes these two humans raised three children, have full time jobs, and workout DAILY! My dad works 60+ hours a week and continues to win World Championship Gold Medals for cycling. It's true you MAKE time for things that are important to you! 

Make time for YOU! 

After meeting many executives, millionaires, and business owners I noticed a trend. They all workout regularly! This gives them the energy to take on their busy schedules. Next time you give yourself an excuse, try to rethink it, and focus on "YOU" time.



Summer Nails

It's summer! We are more tan than usual, so it's time to whip out those bright polishes! A solid fun nail color can be a huge accessory during the summer months, so take advantage!

Nail color: Gelish- Tiki Tiki Laranga
Rings and bracelets: Marida 
