Tabata battle ropes (20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest, 8 rounds)

Weighted rope pulls(3 rounds each arm)
- strap(knot) a weight around the end of a battle rope
- grab the rope with one arm and pull until the weight is towards you, switch sides 

Weighted Rope Sprints (5 rounds)
- grab the rope and tie a kettlebell on to the middle of the rope
- sprint 50 meters with the rope wrapped over your shoulder
-walk backwards back pulling the rope

15 bicep curls 
15 shoulder press
50 mountain climbers
12 bicep curls 
12 shoulder press
40 mountain climbers 
10 bicep curls 
10 shoulder press
30 mountain climbers 

15 pushups 
15 burpees
12 pushups
12 burpees
10 pushups 
10 burpees

20 push press
20 sit ups
15 push press
15 sit ups 
10 push press 
10 sit ups 
5 push press 
5 sit ups 

20 power cleans 
20 sprinter sit ups 
15 power cleans 
15 sprinter sit ups
10 power cleans 
10 sprinter sit ups
5 power cleans 
5 sprinter sit ups 

20 Bent over row 
20 ball slams 
15 bent over row 
15 ball slams 
10 bent over row 
10 ball slams 
5 bent over row 
5 ball slams 

20 double unders 
20 Barbell Lying windshield wipers 
25 double unders 
15 barbell lying windshield wipers 
30 double unders 
10 barbell lying windshield wipers 
35 double unders 
5 barbell lying windshield wipers 
