Today's workout:

Challenge yourself with a different type of workout today! 

Run to gym

20, 15, 10 of each(complete a. @20 reps, b. @ 20 reps, c) 1 time, then start with a. @ 15 reps......)

A.Shoulder press 


C.50 meter Sprint

3 rounds (start with 20&100&sprint, then 15&75&sprint, etc)

20/15/10 sit ups 

100/75/50 flutter kicks

Hurdle hops (50 meters up and back)

3 rounds (start with 15 each leg , then 10 each leg, etc)

1 leg back lunge

1 leg glute bridge 

Squat jumps (50 meters)

3 rounds (start with 20 of each, then 15, etc)

Bicep curl

Tricep extension

1x Backwards run (50 meters)

4 rounds (start with 20, then 15, 10 reps, finally 5 reps )

Air squats 

Med ball slams 

15 minute cool down on a cardio machine 

It's less confusing once you start the workout, the numbers just get smaller! 
