As we approach the New Year, I want to take a look back on some memorable times in 2016.


My family and friends are all doing great. Lots of engagements, weddings and job promotions. I feel extremely blessed to have such amazing people in my life always encouraging me to shoot for the moon and supporting me through all of the changes I've had throughout the year.

Work wise 2016 began with an interesting start. I had gotten laid off from a job at the end of 2015, so 2016 started with a brand new job working as a contractor in tech recruiting at one of the coolest companies. Just a few months ago, a little before my one-year work anniversary I was converted to a full-time employee and I couldn’t be more excited about it. I love working for this company and feel blessed to have an opportunity like this.

I’ve gone on some fun trips this year too! Napa, Palm Springs, Orange County, Vegas, and the Dominican Republic to name a few. Right now, I’m actually in Belize with some of my closest friends and sister. I am currently laying in a hammock, drinking a coconut mojito, relaxing & reflecting on all that went in to 2016.

I also moved this year! Just a short while ago I made a big move to SOMA and have been really enjoying exploring a different side of San Francisco. My loft is beautiful, really big and I have been having so much fun decorating it. Moving made me feel like I was opening a new chapter in my life, and I have this blank slate to truly do whatever my heart desires.

This month I turned 28 and finally launched my website that was months in the making. is live and I can’t express how proud I am to have finally launched it. As you may know- I’ve had a site for years, but was never super happy with the platform. I got the help of Jonathan Ermey ( to help put my creative ideas in to reality. I’m working on bringing awesome content, and for now just focusing on enjoying this creative outlet.

What I would like to wrap up with is that 2016 felt like many long days, lots of hard work, some super stressful moments and a bit of a broken heart. I worked a lot on myself this year and I can truly say I’ve grown more this year that probably any other time in my life. It feels great to write this knowing that so much good has come from staying positive and staying true to myself. 

I hope your New Years is absolutely spectacular. Tell me, what were some of your favorite memories of 2016?

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