10 date night ideas in quarantine

let’s be real- it’s impossible to not get bored with your partner in quarantine. we are stuck inside (for the most part) and are probably spending more time than ever with our partners. i, for one, hate when i feel like my relationship gets too predictable. another night watching a movie, another night eating our normal meals, another night on the couch.

we started a $20 date night last week & we have both been loving it. each week we switch off spending $20 on a surprise date night for our partner & today is Jer’s night. i’m excited to see what he comes up with, but until then here are some fun ideas i’ve come up with & want to share with you. friendly reminder: if you’re single, you can totally do this with friends too!

10 date night ideas in quarantine

scrabble & fudge pops

last week i ran to target & got us a game we’ve never played before and jeremy’s favorite sugar-free fudge pops. we got maybe a little too competitive, but we got to laugh it off with some childhood fave treats.

wine, candles & a picnic blanket

get a bottle of wine, a candle & grab your favorite picnic blanket for a romantic evening at the park. it’s wild that we don’t take the time to do simple things like this more frequently.

a puzzle & 2 pints of ice cream

anyone want a 1000 piece puzzle? does that seem daunting? what if i told you it’s of puppies & you get to eat ice cream while you’re putting it together? that’s what i’m talkin’ about! it can be so much fun!

playing cards & a case of whiteclaws

we started playing SPEED again recently & oh my gosh i forgot how fun that game is. i can play for hours on end! want your night to include friends? spoons & bullshit are also great options.

champagne, bubble bath & face masks

nothing like a chill & relaxing night in after a long workweek. if you have a big bath throw some bubbles in it, put on a mask & pour each other some champagne

paint night

2 canvases and a whole thing of paint is under $20 at target! you can either pull up a photo and both try to paint it as best you can OR you can try to paint something for your home! we have one of jeremy’s pieces he made hanging over our couch & i love the personal touch it gives our place.

recipe night

want to try a new recipe? pick up all the ingredients & cook together. one of you chops & one of you cooks! both of you clean :) there are so many fun recipes & we’ve been loving ones off skinny taste, check her out!

popcorn, swedish fish & a movie (fort night)

a few weeks back we drug our mattress in to the living room to have a more fun spin on our normal movie night. before we got too comfy i ran to the store to get some boom chica pop & smart sweets. we watched 1917 & got so comfy we ended up sleeping in the living room.

make your favorite childhood desert

do you have the perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe you adored as a kid? make it for your partner! grab all the stuff & treat them to your special childhood favorite!

chips, guac & beer variety pack

wanting to try new beers? get a variety pack & share them with your beau. maybe you’ll find one that you both love that wouldn’t have found if you hadn’t tried it together.

10 date night ideas in quarantine

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