Via Thea | Austin, Texas Lifestyle Blog

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Healthy Turkey Chili

Fall is in the air. I have been less in the mood for cold salads & way more excited to make warm meals. People often think in the winter months that eating warm foods automatically suggests more hearty or fatty meals. I am here to busy that myth, and over the next few weeks post some delicious and healthy fall and winter meals. First up, a super simple healthy turkey chili.


1 pound lean ground turkey

1 can black beans 

1 can red beans 

1 large can tomatoes

1 white onion 

1 tbsp chili powder

1/2 tsp oregano 

2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 

Dash of salt 

1. On medium heat place 1 chopped onion and olive oil in to a big bowl. Stir and let the onion "sweat".

2. Add tomatoes until they start to boil.

3. Stir in turkey.

4. After turkey color changes from pink to white, then add in your beans and spices. 

5. Taste, and check to see if beans have heated and cooked.

6. Serve!