Via Thea | Austin, Texas Lifestyle Blog

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How To Travel Healthily

While traveling it is super easy to fall off the wagon! Don't get me wrong, vacation is time to let loose. That doesn't mean your should go hog wild and stop exercising, eating healthy, and drink a ton. 

You can let loose, have fun, and not give up all your healthy habits.

1. Pack healthy snacks to fly or travel with.
- raw nut butters
- raw greens
- chia/hemp/flaxseed
- oatmeal
- coconut flour
- protein bars
- nuts
- dried fruit
- protein powder
- cinnamon 
- vitamins

2. Go grocery shopping when you get to your destination.
- soy/almond milk
- fruit
- veggies
- eggs

3. Do workouts you typically wouldn't do. If you are use to lifting weights try paddle boarding, yoga, running, hiking, snorkeling, etc.

4. Drink less caloric beverages. Ask for the skinny version of whatever drink you desire! 

5. Stay hydrated! Drink tons of water!!

I'll post about my Belize trip to show you how I ate!