
i had so so much fun pushing myself with the soul cycle #soulsurvivor challenge over this past month that i want to keep up the momentum. i found that since i had a goal to hit 20 classes, i checked in with myself weekly to see if i was on track with my workouts. having that goal also forced me to plan my workouts in advance and fit them in to even my busiest days. i feel so strong and motivated after this past month that i want to challenge myself again for the month of november. if you need a little extra motivation, i encourage you to join me. there’s something about working towards a goal with a crew who’s in it with you. you all prioritize, sacrifice and push through together- feels great!

i’ve made this workout calendar that i encourage you to screenshot or save and fill out each day. i’m simply going to add an emoji (ie. runner emoji, yogi emoji, weightlifter emoji) on top of the date to show what i did that day, and hopefully by the end of the month i have a calendar filled of emojis and i can see all the fun workouts i did. i’m going to share 2 calendars with you.

one calendar is blank, for you to fill out with your goals, the other is me with mine. i want this challenge to be do-able to everyone. so take some time to set some realistic goals for YOU. your goals may be VERY different than mine, but when you write them down and check in with yourself i know you’ll reach them!

via Thea November 2018 Goal Setting calendar
via Thea November 2018 Goal Setting calendar
