via Thea: Taking Risks & Living Outside Your Comfort Zone

as many of you know i’m taking a chance on myself & moving my life to a new state. i’m sticking with the same company, but switching teams at work supporting our austin team. it’s sort of funny how things fell in to place, but i believe in the quote “trust the timing of your life” more than ever. i’m someone who’s always trusted my gut, but this opportunity couldn’t have come at a better time.

austin has always been one of my favorite cities and i’ve always said aloud, if it made sense i’d be open to moving there. there was nothing completely pulling me to move, because i’ve loved my job, my team and my life in san francisco. however, i’ve been sort of ready for a new challenge at work and my manager knew that.

within a few weeks of each other my manager announced she was leaving our team, about 2 weeks later her manager announced she was also leaving the team & for the icing on the cake, my roommate that same week told me she was moving. NOW THIS IS WHERE THINGS GET WEIRD, i got an email from my company that week announcing they opened a role with an internal transfer and relocation to the austin office. i talked to my manager who was leaving and she agreed, she thought it would be a great fit. the role will be similar, but also very different as i’m working with a whole new team on completely new roles (in recruiting). i got prepped and interviewed for it and a few short weeks later i heard the news that I GOT THE JOB. there was a moment of excitement, but then it turned in to panic, what did i just do? i went back to feeling excited shortly after that, and soaked up that i was really proud of myself for trying something new and pumped for a new chapter.

i’m originally from the bay area & i’ve lived most of my life here (one year in belgium and 5 years in SoCal), but i have been in SF for so many years that i’ve felt ready for a challenge. i truly feel like when we put ourselves in uncomfortable situations we a) learn so so much about ourselves b) we grow a ton and learn new life skills c) we meet new people from different walks of life we may have not had the chance to meet before d) when you get comfortable with the uncomfortable i think it gives you a bigger sense of respect for yourself all you can do. being ok with being uncomfortable has so much pay off later on!

so all i can say is whether you have the chance to move to a new city (or even a new neighborhood), switch jobs, start a new relationship- whatever it may be, go for it! i can’t tell you it will be easy. i can’t tell you it will be stress free. all i can tell you is that living outside of your comfort zone will be worth it in the long run and it will be worth it.

let’s say you try something new and you HATE IT. at least you tried it! i think there is so much learning and so much strength in even trying. let’s just say i absolutely hate austin (highly unlikely), i can always move back, it’s that simple! if i never jumped at the opportunity, i may have regretted not going for it!

i encourage you to take some sort of leap of faith in your life- tell me what that is for you!

Taking Risks & Living Outside Your Comfort Zone
Taking Risks & Living Outside Your Comfort Zone
Taking Risks & Living Outside Your Comfort Zone
Taking Risks & Living Outside Your Comfort Zone



